Interested homeowners are invited to attend and participate. Meetings are normally held on the second Thursday of each month. The meeting time is 6:30 pm.
Meeting details are usually posted by the Monday before each meeting.
The annual election meeting was held on Thursday, August 8, via Zoom. Lisa Schwarz, the Inspector of Election from The Ballot Box, announced that a quorum of at least 20% of the voting power had been reached. The Inspector opened the envelopes, tabulated the votes, and reported the following results:
Bruce Hellebrand and Marci Hise were both reelected to serve two-year terms on the Board of Directors. Ballot counts are provided below. Write-in votes were not permitted and, if submitted, were ignored.
name | count |
Bruce Hellebrand | 107 |
Marci Hise | 80 |
See the Official Report of the Election Meeting.
In Oakridge Estates, street sweeping occurs on a Tuesday. From May to September, it takes place once a month, on the day following the second trash pickup day of the month. During the other months, it occurs on the day following both the second and the fourth trash pickup days of the month.
View their 16-page brochure.
Within this brochure, on page 7, learn what goes into:
There is also an Ultimate Recycling Guide online.
(You'll have to select Residential and then Thousand Oaks.) It goes into detail on how to recycle properly. I've been wondering for years whether I had been doing it right. Now we have a guide that covers the categories and products below. But beware: This is heavy stuff! Nevertheless, kudos to Athens.
Recycling • Organics • Trash • Hazardous Waste • Electronic Waste • Light Bulbs • Batteries • Bulky Item Pick Up • Construction • Medical • Beverage Containers • Food Packaging • Plastic • Plastic Bags and Film • Takeout Containers (Plastic) • Food Scraps • Glass • Metal • Paper • Takeout Containers (Cardboard)
Having trouble sleeping? Looking for something to calm you down? Take a look at our 42-page budget, and you'll fall asleep in no time. As you close your eyes, the end of the first paragraph will put a smile on your face ("As a result, for the new fiscal year ending 2025 your quarterly assessment will remain at $120.00.") but the rest of the document is soporific.
Still having trouble sleeping? Check out the 13-page audit of our financial statements.That should work!
Fees for 2025 remain at $120/quarter. View the HOA fee history since 1986 and compare to inflation. To keep their increase modest, go paperless, by having a PMP account! See Save the Association by Going Paperless article!
Many of us currently autopay our quarterly assessments via an electronic fund transfer (EFT) from a checking account. It's easy to set up. (You'll need to have on hand your Account Number, which appears on your quarterly statement.) Simply go to the PMP Gateway to the Portal, click Sign Up, create an account, log onto the Portal, click Billing when the PMP Dashboard appears, click Credit Card / eCheck, and enter the requested information. You'll pay assessments quarterly starting on the first day of the quarter.
Any homeowner can view Board Meeting General Session minutes. Log onto your PMP account, select Association -> Documents. Then select Documents -> Board Meeting Minutes -> General Session. Select the corresponding pdf file within the desired year.
At the July 11, 2019, board meeting, the board approved new Dunn-Edwards colors for painting Oakridge homes. There are now 56 paint schemes, which immediately replace the 16 paint groups in effect since 2011. Read all about it on the Get Paint Request page.
Their email address is An email sent to this edress expands to multiple emails, a copy going to each board member. No one else sees these emails except the board members.
Their email address is An email sent to this edress goes only to the management company; no one else sees these emails.
The Board and Management page contains additional contact information.
In 2019, 56 paint schemes were adopted, superseding the 16 previously in effect. In 2012, our association released new architectural rules and new architectural request forms. In 2011, new Bylaws were adopted, and on March 1, 2012, new CC&Rs were recorded. All these documents can be viewed on this site.
View the liability insurance policy for the Oakridge Estates Community Association that is in effect as of Aug 26, 2019.
If you find errors on the site, have questions, or would like to suggest improvements, please don't hesitate to contact the webmaster, who is an Oakridge homeowner.