Oakridge Estates - Newbury Park

Where sunset arrives a bit early

Election Results 2019

Olson and Fay Reelected; McCoy Elected

View official election results report.

The annual election meeting took place on July 11. Eighty-five valid ballots (24.1% of homes), surpassing the 71 required (20%) for a quorum, were counted.

Mark Olson and L.J. Fay were both reelected to serve two-year terms on the Board of Directors. Cheri McCoy was newly elected and will replace Larry Riggs, who opted not to run again.

2019 election results: board
name count
L.J. Fay 83
Mark Olson 60
Cheri McCoy 51
Mike Murphy 46
Quorum only 7

The two ballot measures on the ballot passed. One approved the minutes from the 2018 election and the other adopted IRS revenue ruling 70-604, which rolls over any excess income by the HOA to the next tax year to avoid being taxed on that income.

The three counts below represent the vote counts for YES, NO, and ABSTAIN.

2019 election results: measures
name count
Election Meeting Minutes 75-0-7
IRS Ruling 70-604 75-1-9

New Officers

The board elected new officers for 2019-2020 at the August 8 board meeting. Their names and positions appear on the Board & Mgmt page.